
Cultybraggan Camp is the last remaining WWII high security POW camp in the UK. The community of Comrie acquired the camp in 2007 and secured funding from Historic Scotland, the Heritage Lottery Fund and Southern Energy to refurbish a key group of vacant listed buildings within the camp. Launched in September 2015, a community share offer provided the final piece of the funding package and demonstrated widespread community support for this exciting endeavour.
10 nissan huts will be refurbished and modernised into a self-catering accommodation business – offering a unique experience for visitors. Proceeds from the business will provide a significant revenue stream for re-investment in the camp and projects that benefit the local wider community.
The community share offer raised £27,400 – shares were £25 per share with a minimum investment of £25 and a maximum of £5000. Every shareholder will have an equal say in how the business is run, regardless of the size of their shareholding.
Community Share Scotland provided consultancy support to the project, a microgrant to help promote the share offer and some post share offer support to assist with ongoing shareholder admin. The project was also supported by Co-operative Development Scotland who provided advice on the governance and legal structure to facilitate the share issue
For more information please visit:
Year of share offer
The community share offer raised