Our Support

Community shares support in Scotland is delivered through Democratic Finance Scotland – a partnership programme between Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS) and Scottish Communities Finance Ltd.

For more info contact:

w: www.democraticfinance.scot
e: info@democraticfinance.scot
t: 0131 220 3777


More info about our community shares support:

Democratic Finance Scotland provides free support and guidance to anybody interested to learn more about community shares. Eligible groups can receive tailored, fully funded support to help develop a community share offer.

We also welcome applications to our Microgrant to support the marketing and promotion of a community share offer.

Since 2014, when DTAS started offering community shares support, we have helped Scottish communities to raise over £20 million with community shares. You can find out more in our latest Impact Report.

We have also developed Model Rules for the registration of community benefit societies, which are particularly well suited to development trusts and other community anchor organisations.

To see examples of how other communities have used community shares, view our Interactive Map.

To enquire about community shares support please email info@democraticfinance.scot